Monday, January 22, 2007

Readers' Comments: Mum's grief at shooting

Posted by: Serving Police Officer of Perth 10:31am today
May I also say that the WA Police Executive have acted shamefully in this matter. When the incident in Karratha happened we all received, via internal emails, updates on the officer's welfare. What have we heard about this junior police officer? Nothing! If it wasn't for the media we would not even know his name. We do a hard job and for the arm-chair officers out there give it a go before telling us how we should have reacted.

Posted by: country copper's wife of WA 12:41pm January 21, 2007
Mental illness is a factor here, but from the little i have read of the case, the officers didn't have time to establish this fact. If someone was coming at you with a knife, what would you do? think carefully about that for a split second! that is all the time the officer had. How different it was when the Karratha copper shot dead the scumbag who had killed two young women in Victoria, media couldn't stop singing his praises then. He had about as much time to decide him or me as Const Ferguson did, just his luck was better that day, his offender was a killer and Const Ferguson's wasn't - could you tell the difference?!


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